Well guys, here we go again, a new year and new wave of mbbs admission to Islamic international medical college, rawalpindi, Pakistan (and for Islamic international dental complex for bds in Islamabad)
Well, why don’t the students, BEFORE the admission try to goto the university and ask the innocent student about the reviews? that what was their experience? was it fine? or was it worst and like losing their precious years of life? comeon dude! it won’t take more than 15 min even! go on! ask some one what hell you are going to be in pretty soon!
Oh and do you want to read my experience about the first day at this IIMC (riphah university) ?
Or you want to know some other stuff about IIMC? (riphah – islamic international medical college)
aoa.sir iimc web page is directing to another location where i can not find addmission schedule and fee structure..plz mail me the exact web page so thet i can find the precise information…zaeem fayyaz ullah khan
it shows Allah wants to give you a chance to do tauba once again and remain away from this hell.
@engineer go for http://www.riphah.edu.pk
things are changing,,although in slow and steady way but environment is changing….but most of the students who come to iimc don’t want bold and unfamous evironment like shifa college of medicine etc….although many changes are in need of change..but i must say students who pass out from IIMC have sound knowledge and skills..and i know this by myself as my brother graduated from iimc in 2007..and he was welcomed wherever he went…anyhow some expections are always there….in this summers i had a chance to do articleship in Rawalpindi general hospital i still remembered the prof appreciated IIMC students
zeeshan, there is alot more crap in iimc other than being non-bold institute
hello sir,i m’ an applicant of iimc,islamabad,pakistan..sir da problem m facing is of ur entry test date fr mbbs session n’ its collapsing wid sheikh zaid medical college,lahore,pakistan….for god sake sir please delay ur date as m a foreign applicant n’ wanna give tests of maximum medical colleges in pakistan.so,my dear sir please let me know da solution i’ll be thankful to u..
that’s just the beginning dude,
Entry test in llmc will held on26 sep while test of shiekh zayed m.c lahore is on the same date. please reshedule the date enablng maxiumum candidates to take both tests
they probably won’t
hi,i want to take addmission in bds.03346162087
lolx… they don’t come home to give admission dude!
tell me what is the last date to submit the application form in iimc for mbbs and bds
I am not sure about it, did you call the admin deptt?
salam!! i just wanted to know that is Riphah’s MBBS is IIMC or are they two different institutes….waiting fer your reply =)
same! ditto! :) stay away from both the names
no they r same institute
ya they are!
waht is the requirement of a of admition of islamic medical college I mean merat and smaster fee?
in my admission interview, i was only asked: can your father afford the university fee?
requirements are:
almost 4 lac per year fees for local seats and 10,000$ for foreign
ability to live in hell and zero self respect environment
ability to learn on your own without any facilities too
ability to spend extra time without any common room and with a germ full canteen food items
salam ! I want to knw that my name is in ur waiting list .i have submited the apliction n my marks were 81percnt. Thanku m waiting 4 ur reply
you have to call university for the result
I guess they all think you are some official representative of the college LOL
Direct them to the official website where they don’t have any information anyway but still.
just wondering, if they don’t even know where to look for results, how genius they are to be a doctor! :p
(sorry! no offense Tayyaba)
Nabeel plzz tell me your marks you got in matric Fsc and mcat
hamary time pe mcat ne hota tha huma :P
can anyone tell me when admissions are again gona open now onwards plz
For one, leave IIDC out of this. IIMC might have been a living hell for you but I’d rather you not drag IIDC in mud and sleet along with IIMC. IIDC is loads better. Loads I tell ya. We see MBBS students and cant help feeling for those poor trodden down souls. BDS faculty, hospital and teaching all are very fine, thankyouverymuch.
Plus I have also seen MBBS sudents whining more and concentrating less. Believe me if you go to Railway with an aim of learning something everyday, you DO learn, tada! Go to them and say ‘Sir hamain parha dain’, and see their response. But if your only and foremost aim is to eat pakorey and return as soon as possible, well hello!
I am fully aware of the flaws and how it could have been much better but I dont blame the administrration totally. Students dont stand up for themselves, all they do is cry and whine while doing nothing substantial. Self-criticism should come first, such random bizzare analysis later.
Saliha, please try to read the title of the post, it’s discussing IIMC only mainly (just mentioned that admissions for iidc are also open)
and no doubt, people getting admission in mbbs and bds are of different category, as both of them see and worry about different things . . .
in the end, I can only say: “Thank you! sit down now!”
Dr. Nabeel, Only a stupid will believe your story. You are telling dumb lies.
1- You wrote, “We had orientation classes. They were to be for 1 month”.
How come you had orientation for one month as the other students had orientation for 3 days only? What kind of orientation you were going through you fool?
2- You wrote, “We found out a person, who we considered in the admission test day, to be some peon! – he was the head of department”.
So you evaluate a person from his attire, not from his knowledge. He had more knowledge than your father…Dud.
3- You wrote, “How nalaiq and a burdon on our parents we are that we didn’t got admission in goverment sector medical colleges and got admission in private one”.
Of course, you were bourdon on your parents as you could not get admission in the government college where the tuition fee is next to nothing. Your parents are spending about Rs. 800,000 a year from their pocket.
4- You are pissed because you did not have chance talking to a female student.
What if, instead of you, your sister was studying in IIMC?
5- You are calling yourself a doctor, and you are making such stupid mistakes in your quarter of a page writing. Spell check ‘goverment’ instead of government, ‘burdon’ instead of burden, “We didn’t got admission” instead of ‘we didn’t get admission.
6- Let me ask you, did you graduate on time? And if so, what was your ranking in the class? I know you will lie again.
From your attitude, I can see you are a total failure in your life.
you are one amazing dissing thing…hats off to you:D
I didn’t get your point Hiba… ?
1. I had!
2. he had more knowledge than my father in his field only, and btw, do you consider peon’s to be illiterate / low in knowledge people??
3. many students finance themself and live on their own, please don’t consider everyone as you
4. I still have many female friends from the university, sorry to disappoint you, so that’s not the reason which pissed me off
5. Thanks for correction, i never called myself Doctor Nabeel (except for the domain name), and kindly advice the university to include english as a subject too, rather than islamiat, being taught by those who never got their degree in Islamic studies
6. I got detained in final year, and ranking should be near just above the passing line, I usually try not to lie, maybe – and this institute just helped me reach towards my failure (things were different with not only me, but maximum students, before they joined it)
Next time, do have guts to include your name and identity when you comment, dude
i did,nt got wat u said mr.nabeel
which part Roshni?
that u were taking to saliha aur me …..and wat u said
i did,nt got wat u said mr.nabeel cud u plz elaborate
which comment are you talking about? please copy it.
hey i wanted to know how many seats are available for BDS at IIDC
100 and 50
please tell me fee schedule and merit.marks required in fsc to get admission in mbbs after fsc………………
simran, you need to call the university for these details!
hi tell me about fee of medical college
you can contact the university for latest fee structure Samra
hi dr nabeel
hi dr Sadi
Assalamun alaikum, i’m just visiting such a wonderful website today and this site makes me soo impresive that i know is meant for muslim ummah,if i will say actually i have been looking for where to go for my medical school because i have graduated from human physiology, and this is the best time for me to go back to read medicine so that i can benefit muslim ummah that’ my ambition as a medical student.hopefully my rquest will be duely considered ma’assalam……..
whenever admission will be open in mbbs then plz send a mail on my mailing adresss
you need to keep in touch with university admission deptt
nabeel tm b kaho ge k me doctor hun,
sharm tm ko magar nahi ati…..
sharam kis waja se? k doctor hon?
lolzz nabeel i can understand your feelings and frustration level which i can easily see in your comments as i m also the graduate of IIMC.when we were in college we had same complaints about college pathetic environment , canteen etc etc,but trust me once u will finish this u will miss this time. No doubt it is the most pathetic college as far as extra curricular environment but for studies i think its the best medical college in private sector.:)i know u will not agree with me rite now but after your graduation you will:)i use to be the one of most notorious student of my class rather i would say of college and just becoz of this got suppleis and been told by professor of anatomy in viva that he is failing me just becoz of my attitude..:)but trust me iimc is the best rite now i m in uk and enjoying my life just becoz of my degree which i had from iimc….! any how keep it up.tc
I have completed mbbs too
and I was refused housejob in various hospitals just after listening to college name.
well sorry to hear that……u r first one who got refusals from various hospitals…non of my seniors ,or any of my class mate and even my juniors faced such problems……i dont know why it happened to you……..strange thing…if i m not wrong are u the same nabeel who use to hav light golden hairs?…from batch 2004-2009
no, i’m not that one.
Oh its mean you have dark black hair ?
haha, black hairs are too common ;)
I am so thankful to you Nabeel for creating this website. You may not realize it but for an old graduate like me, it feels so nice to be able to reconnect with the past.
Yes, a very strict college. It has always been like that. Belonging to one of the pioneer batches I had the honor of experiencing some of the most MALIGNANT teachers in iimc history. I don’t know if they are still around. Anyways, in spite of all the strictness, hardships and control there were still laughters, enjoyments and affections! I still cherish my memories of iimc.
So students study hard but don’t forget to play ( within limits) ;)
What are you doing these days? And where are you practicing?