Religions have been with us throughout history and have helped all cultures and civilizations to live their specific way and has taken a central place in their lives. Religions have been there since the dawn of the human consciousness.
Religious studies are an intellectual and exciting way to access the mysteries of other societies and cultures. Religion helps in investigating the boundary questions of life and death, love and hate, etc. Religious studies help us understand in depth the beliefs and rituals.
Religious studies help us to explore how humans understand and experience the sacred, themselves and the world. It helps appreciate the complexity and variety within various religious lives and civilizations. It cultivates the skills of reading, writing and speaking along with the skills of understanding and absorbing. It helps in developing the taste to know more about the truth around us, the delight of asking questions about the source and life.
The study of religions in academic settings offer deeper and more meaningful exploration of vital questions related to selfhood and communities. It lets us explore what humans are capable of creating. Despite the predictions that religions will go away, they still persist, because it’s not just the truth of the life, but also the human nature and need.
Religions are interesting. How they came into form, how they developed through time and how they transformed in various regions and times. The study of religions help us in investigating the habits of the people in a very different way. It helps us understand the ethics of various cultures. It lets us see what historical and normative resources people have to improve and repair our world.
Studying religions is not just about getting answers to some queries, but also to ask better questions. It not only allows us to understand other’s experiences, but also appreciate and respect how we are different from them.
Religions provide cultural symbols, myths, symbols, concepts and attitudes necessary for specific artistic work. Religion isn’t necessary for art, but the role it plays makes the connection inevitable. Thus the ignorance of religion results in the ignorance about art.
There is a connection between the religion and the language. In religion, the language often performs actions rather than just a means to communicate. Understanding how language is used in religion not only provides insights into the religion, but also in to the nature and function of the language itself.
Role of religion in human politics and thus history is also very vital. Religious mythologies provide structure to the world and give people sense of where they fit and affects the choices available to governments and societies to interact with each other.
Religions define ethics in societies and teach them moral values so closely that many believers imagine that morality without religion isn’t possible. Throughout history, collective wisdom about ethical and unethical conduct has been preserved in the religion.
Studying various religions helps us understand various societies and cultures and human nature. It helps us to know why some civilization acts in specific way. How to interact with them and how to understand them better, to make our life more enlighten, to provide them with the knowledge they lack, and to make the world a better and peaceful place.
Morality without religion is very much possible btw. Otherwise we’d be the most morallly upright nation or conversely, all criminals would be atheists.
religions impose their own moral values too
Religions incorporate moral values into them and serve as a platform for their propagation but religions are not the ‘source’ of morality.