Today six terrorists attacked on the general head quarter (GHQ) of Pakistan army in cantt area, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The attack took place at around 11:30 am and was partially controlled within an hour by the military and security forces.
Six men arrived at the main gate number 1 of the military General Head Quarter (GHQ) in Rawalpindi, Pakistan today at around 11:30 in a white suzuki carry wearing army uniforms. They were asked to show the entry pass into the GHQ which they obviously didn’t have! so they knew they are going to be in trouble, so they started firing around and threw three hand granades, which killed the army men on the gates. The soldiers there started to fire at them at the moment and killed four of them, however two of them managed to get away from the scene but were localized near the second gate of the GHQ under custody of the security men.
Punjab police claims that they had provided information about such an attack to the military in july. Total of 6 security men were killed in this attack and 4 terrorist were killed.
Tahreek-e-taliban took the responsibility of this attack.
However, there are many statements about this attack, its cause and purpose.