On last friday, our institute, Islamic International Medical College (Riphah International University) announced the result for final year mbbs annual examination 2010 and luckily i passed 2 subjects in it out of total 4 :)
Many or almost all my friends have passed the exam with the topper being a girl, and the second position acquired by Omer Fraz.
The result was satisfactory, but anyway they delayed the result too much which gave an idea that maybe they are thinking of passing all students in all subjects, but they didn’t. . . Well at least i thought so!
So congratz to those who passed, and for those who failed, i’ll advice them to learn what examiner wants them to know :)
I will expect my seniors to help us all in supply exams! :)
Supply exam is expected to be held after three weeks.
wish you best of luck in your supply exams i hope now result will be opposite… oooooops
hehe, thanks :)
Asalam Alaikum How are u?
Walaikum Assalam, im fine alhamdolillah!