In schools, winters always get much importance. Lots of activities are being conducted by the teachers in order to celeberate this season in a good way. To create positive environment, teachers organize a winter festival in the school so that children could be able to know that what are the feasts of this season and how to say welcome to cold season?
Children never wish for attending the school in this season due to which they often get absent. They begin to get lazy and slow like a turtle, which should be overcome by the teachers as quickly as possible. Give information about fruit and vegetable which are available in winters. For example, orange is the common fruit, availble in this season so you should conduct activities related to it.
For playgroup class, finger printing is the most exciting thing. Get orange printables on loose sheets and let children do finger printing with an orange color. You can also celebrate orange juice day in which you can ask each child to bring his/her orange so that they can be able to extract the juice by themeselves.
When you organize Winter festival, one of the most important thing you should do is to ask children about bringing dry fruit from their home. Go outside in playground and eat dryfruit with your children by giving information about each and every thing. Your children should know that which dry fruit, they are going to eat. By arranging these types of activties, your Kindergarten children would be able to know that why there is a need to celebrate winters and how many things are belonged to this season.