14th August is just a week and few days ahead! so hopefully many people would be in search of a Pakistani Flag map image to use it as their avatar on various websites like facebook or orkut.
I have designed a image myself (as i wasn’t able to find similar one on google). The difference b/w this one and the other’s is the presence of Kashmir in the map. Below are those images:
1. Pakistani Map + Flag (with kashmir) i created (click on image for bigger image):
2. Pakistani Map + Flag (without kashmir) not to be used (click on image for bigger image):
1. Image that i used to create the first one (click on image for bigger image):
Hopefully you would like the image created by me.
Loved you work ……….. well done Sir!! :-D
I hope every Pakistani start using Maps which include Kashmir.
Thanks for appreciating :)
Please can I use this image in my university course work?
Thank you
sure you may, but give credit to me if possible :)
I spend whole day in search of any such image on Google images
Well Done
May Allah bless you. Ameen
Thanks for appreciating :)
Our thoughts and prayers are with pakistan..
May Allah give them Strength to cope.