I got an email from moenybookers security team stating that my moneybookers account has been closed/blocked due to some security concerns. The mail was from [email protected]
What did i do recently? i tried adding a new debit visa card with my account, and while trying that i got an error, i contacted them with the details of the error and how can i fix it, and in response they found the best way to fix it to close my account :D
Anyway . . i had almost 65 pounds in my moneybookers account (i might had 2500$ which were to come from a client in near future, i am glad he delayed the payment :))
So what now? i have contacted them, after searching on google about the experiences of other people who had similar situation in past, and like them, i am waiting for their response. I called them and no one answered me except for the machine saying that all operators are busy at the moment. Dude! get more operators if they are always so busy! :@
The issue is not just those 65 pounds in it, but that if i will open a new account they will block it too due to some stupid reason of theirs!
This is what it says to me when i try to login to moneybookers:
Your account has been closed for security reasons. You should have received confirmation of this via email from our Security Department. Please note that this decision is now final and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Argggghhhhh . . . . . . You can check the mail they sent to me:
From: www.moneybookers.com <[email protected]>
Dear Muhammad Nabeel Khan,
Following an audit of your account by our security department, we must advise that your account has been closed. Based on your transaction history, we have reasonable grounds to discontinue our business relationship.
For more information please visit our Terms and Conditions.
Moneybookers have the right to recover from you any costs or losses incurred as a direct or indirect result of this breach of our terms and conditions up to the value of 150 Euros – article 11.6.
Please IMMEDIATELY also remove any references to Moneybookers.com from your website.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Kind Regards,
Moneybookers Security
Moneybookers Ltd., London, Registered in England and Wales no 4260907. Registered office: Welken House, 10-11 Charterhouse Square, London, EC1M 6EH, United Kingdom. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority of the United Kingdom (FSA).This email message is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient you should not read, copy, distribute, disclose or otherwise use the information in this email. Please also telephone (+44 870 3830232) or fax (+44 870 922 3274) us immediately and delete the message from your system. Email may be susceptible to data corruption, interception and unauthorised amendment, and we do not accept liability for any such corruption, interception or amendment or the consequences thereof or your reliance on any information contained therein if you are not the intended recipient.
Anyway i don’t see any thing confidential in this mail, other than their stupidity :s
Btw, its famous that the asian id’s get banned by moneybookers usually! so here you go! another guy from Pakistan got banned due to some security reasons! I might upload a bomb or suicide jacket to their servers from my computer maybe :s SECURITY REASONS! :@
I’m agree with you Nabeel Money Booker offering their service in pak and asia but banned their account they should ban their service or dont do that kind of moves……
Hat Downs on Money Bookers!!!!!!!!!!
I really wish we can show them some thing better than their system! !!! I’ll definitely make or atleast try to make a better company!
I was suspecting that there is too much blocking of accounts owned by people of Asian/Eastern origin. I am thinking of starting a global campaign to highlight this issue.
I got the exact same email yesterday they must be doing some kind of accounts check or something.
What were you using the account for? They added a whole slew of transfer restrictions, and I think that’s what closed my account ofcourse I don’t know because they won’t respond or answer their phones.
what were you using your account for?
Well I was using it to receive payments for Web Design Services.
once they block it, they don’t give any proper explanation as to why they blocked it!
I have the same problem. Exactly the same comes up if i try to log in, tryed to call them many times without any success. They give no good reason to block it. Lost over 500 usd -.-
any solutions?
[email protected]
what’s the error that you’re getting?
My moneybookers acount closed to. The same reason, the same words. Its like a machine answering the same way to all costumers. Moneybookers for me is over.
They closed my acount without any reason.
did you lose any money?
Hi all,
I hope you guys I hope you guys are doing good!
I have a question if somebody could answer me? If you have money in moneybookers account and you send a request to close it, then do you get all the money transferred back to you bank account?
no I don’t think so
what you can do is that you can transfer that money to someone else’s moneybookers account and then get it from him. I can help.
I’ve had the same, They are stealing money this way i guess. Who is going to fight moneybookers?
I needed that account to pay domains.
So, this is how was happened:
I had small money in my account, about 4eur, and one day i logged in and it became 0, i sent them an email, but in response again, they just closed my account.
What the hell?
HEY GUYS!!! GOOD News!!!
I’ve been using MB for about a year now. Recently I inquired to MB about restrictions with regards to gaming and online gambling. Basically I was not aware of this till I saw the message when trying to fund an online casino. So thinking my entire account is restricted to process such transaction, I sent them a very nice e-mail. I asked them, what is my limits and also if this restriction is applied due to location and or credit card used, what would be my option to clear them? GUESS What, they replied with sorry, account is locked for out going …. etc and you country is restricted for online gambling. Then I filed a withdrawal of all my remaining funds, either credit it back to my credit card or bank account. Either options is okay, because their all mine. Now My account does not exist anymore….. Good way of stealing money from public. any process i do even to buy flowers is blocked when going thru MB…. I’m still trying to call them. Good Luck to everyone!!!