Earthquake in Pakistan on 23rd October 2009

After all these days of terror and miseries, where on 20th october 2009 there was terrorist bomb blast on the international islamic university islamabad (iiui) and then next days firing, one on 22nd october, on a brigadier, there was an earth quake late at night, around 2am in Pakistan which was felt in the regions of Punjab and NWFP including Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Mansehra, Peshawar, Khyber Agency and other adjacent areas.

The time at which the earth quake struck is about 01:53 AM.

earthquake islamabadThe earthquake in Pakistan on 23rd october, 2009 has been registered to be of intensity of 6.5 on Richter Scale according to Met office Islamabad (some sources said it’s 6.2).

No damage has been reported till now. People came out of their homes/houses due to the long earthquake shakes.

It’s been said that the after shocks of the earthquake of intensity of about 6.0 on Richter Scale can be felt in this hour.

I was sleeping in my room when i woke up and after a couple of minutes the earthquake struck! Maybe Allah wanted me to know that i am part of this public, who he is not happy with, and that i don’t miss the terror of the earthquake and Allah’s wrath while sleeping. . .

We all should say prayers and ask for forgiveness from Allah because whatever is happening in Pakistan is all due to our acts . . .

May Allah forgive us.  . .

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