Just had jolts of earthquake in lahore, Pakistan. (Many reports are from the lahore cantt about earthquake)
The jolts weren’t much scary but haven’t experienced the zalzala here for quite a while! so it was bit strange!
The earthquake lasted for around 4 seconds or so.
Will update more if there’s anything interesting! stay tuned!
Update 1 :
according to some people, the jolts were “scary” and “uninteresting”
the magnitude of the earthquake in lahore today appears to be around 5 (unofficial)
You idiot it was scary as hell and make sure u make ur peace with God
I’m sorry if they were scary in your opinion :) please have some water! calm down! the earthquake is over now!
Thats true… my first ever experience of earthquake. it lasted a few seconds n very minor effect.
well, lets hope it wasn’t anything bad and didn’t cause much affect as its center of origin!
What?. “Interesting?”.
For Allah sake, it is a time for Fear from Allah.
and you are saying “interesting”.
imho, interesting means something of interest, which is nowhere related to “entertaining”
Hammad ur the man with an intilect !!!
It was sudden and short but strong enough to make me jump from my sofa where I was relaxing. My folks were not home and did not feel it. In fact they thought I was just imagining.
they might be in the car and didn’t notice!
Coming from the uk. The nearest we come to natural events is heavy rainfall. Albeit it ( the tremors) lasted a few seconds, in my opinion it was a scary moment. My heart was racing for many a minutes after the event. My mind raced towards Allah subhanuatalah and in his almighty rememberance. These natural signs are a reminder from Allah to us all of his Almighty grace and power.
No doubt, we should always remember Allah and ask for forgiveness.