An earth quake just hit the south asian regions of Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, almost an hour ago.
The epicenter of the earthquake is being reported as 120 miles deep and central in the Badakhshan province of far north Afghanistan, which borders China and Tajikistan.
In Pakistan, the quake was felt from northern areas to the punjab including chitral, swat, sargodha, islamabad, okara, peshawar, lahore, faisalabad, etc.
In India, the earth quake was felt in delhi but no damage was reported as yet.
The quake was initially reported to be of 7.7 magnitude (or some said 8.1), however it’s now being reported to be 7.5 magnitude by US geological survey.
The earthquake caused cracks in buildings and collapsed many buildings, resulting in deaths, whose count is yet to be established in all the countries where it was felt.
Many regions power has been cut including Pakistan and Afghanistan. The tremors were felt for around 45 seconds and people fled their homes and buildings.
Telephone lines are apparently damaged and cut in many regions too.
Much destruction is expected in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Some of the images of earth quake today on 26th october 2015 are as follows, they show cracks in walls yet, if you have any images please share them too.
Did you feel the earth quake too? How strong was it? which region you’re in? Any image of destruction caused?