Today twin suicide attacks took place in Baghdad, Iraq in which almost 90 people were killed and almost 600 got wounded / injured. One attack was done via a truck bomb and the other blast was via car bomb, on sunday, 25th of October, 2009.
The deadly blasts shook the buildings in the capital and smoke billowed in the central Baghdad near the Tigris River area.
The first blast was at Justice ministry and a few minutes later the second blast was aimed at the Provincial Government building. The bomb blasts wer so powerful that the building around the area got shaken and severely damaged, destroying the cars in the area too.
Several people died on the spot, and many are seriously injured and in critical condition, fearing increase in number of over all death toll. This is the deadliest attack in the capital of Iraq for the last two months when on 19th august almost 100 people were killed when the suicide bomber exploded the truck full of explosives, also damaging the electricity system.
May Allah have mercy on all of us and give patience to the relatives and friends of those who died. Ameen. . .