It becomes a universal truth that today’s breed is much more sensible and possessive than our ancestors and us. We can get an idea very well that in the past, when our parents said anything harsh to us, we didn’t say a single word to them. Even, we don’t bother, if they express their anger and intense level of anxiety towards our mistakes. But today’s children don’t want to listen to anything harsh because they have become more touchy and possessive than us.
They need extra care, love and affection because today’s parents are becoming careless day by day. Reasons are many in which busy job schedules are on top of list. You ignore your child because you have to attend the meetings, you have to attend the clients and you have to solve several organizational and office issues.
What if you are unable to solve the issues of your children with you and they would say that you don’t care about them? Yes, this situation is going to be common these days, where children need special closesness of their parents but they are so busy in their activties that they are unable to give proper time to the children. This ignorance leads to face stark difficulties, when your child stands on one end and you stand on other different end and in the middle, river of hurdles, tensions and anxiety are flowing with rush.
In order to get the attention of your children, you have to take out one portion of time from your tough job schedule for your child and should ask about what he/she wants and desires for. Children want your precious presence and maybe, they are waiting for to have one positive step by you. Being a parent, you should know the fact that you are nothing without your family. Your effort, income, earning, big empire will lose its importance very soon, if your children will not be happy with you to whom, you are putting lots of struggle in your life.
Be a good parent and in return, you will obtain peaceful life in which you will get fruitful results too. You cannot play with the emotion, feelings and love of your children because they wish for having your great affection. Ignorance and your absent behavior turn positive atmosphere of your house into bad one and due to which, your children are influenced by bad things like drugs, alcohol etc.
You can stop their life from ruining by giving your one big smile before going to office. You can make your child happy, if you will give them one or two calls whole day from office. He/she will love you alot, when after office, you will firstly go to him/her to greet and give a kiss. All these things matter alot for your child so step ahead to make your house heaven.
Your child remains alone because nobody is there to give him/her a nice company and soon, he/she forcebly starts doing bad acts because there is no body to help and to figure him/her out. Reasons are either parents are seperated, going to be divorced or are busy in their jobs. This type of ignorance force your child to think negative about you, and soon your house becomes a strange place to live where nobody is there for anybody. Think about it.