Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were very excited before the release of Twilight and Twilight New Moon. Both were with each other like two bodies one soul. Advertising campaign was incompleted without their help and they both were seen together in order to promote their movies. But what happened to them now? Nothing much is revealed yet about the promotion of next Twilight Eclipse, which is going to launch on June, 2010.
According to the crew of Summit Entertainment, Eclipse is very much different from other two series. If movie is different then it’s promotion should be considered as one of the most important promotions among other projects of this company. June is not too far, only few months are left and there is not a single clip is unveiled in fornt of audience, who is anxiously waiting for the clips.
Reason could be the other projects of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, who are busy with their upcoming movies, which are going to release very soon. Rober pattinson’s Remember Me is capturing the attention of his audience a lot while Kristen Stewart is not left behind because her Yellow handkerchief and The runways popularity are on peak.
Still, Twilight series have seperate importance, whose promotion shouldn’t be overlooked by the director as well as Robsten. Maybe, launch would be delayed because there are no more clips, ads and posters of Eclipse displayed all around the world. We are hoping for the best of Robsten films and also for Eclipse, whose posters, clips and trailers should be launched now because releasing time is running out shortly.